Touch-Base Emails - Winning Approaches to Keep in Touch

There is no second chance to make a first impression, but an artfully crafted “keep-in-touch” email provides another opportunity for you to present yourself in a positive light.  Who knows, it might even help you to close a deal. “Let’s touch base” is boring; give your touch-base email some fire!

On average, salespeople spend 21% of their day writing emails. With so much experience, they should know how to write good ones. Still, everybody is sending the same “let’s touch base” line which is boring, or insist on “just checking-in!” like a lonely grandma.


Don’t pass up the opportunity to fill your recipient’s mind with valuable information. Planned carefully and executed correctly, your touch-base emails will achieve high engagement rates.

Sales are built on relationships, but building customer relationships isn't completely altruistic. You’re trying to make that sale. But when you're staying in touch, forget about what you want and focus on what you can provide.

Timing Matters. Your CRM can Send Emails at the Perfect Time

First things first, when should you send a touch base email?

A fixed schedule is the best solution. You could manually check all customer records daily, or set reminders. But, a well-implemented CRM does the manual work for you. You can create system-generated tasks that are automatically scheduled based on triggers (stage in pipeline; periods of inactivity) you set; NetHunt CRM does this right in your Gmail.

A good sales CRM like NetHunt prevents embarrassing situations such as duplicate emails or accidental spam.

That’s when. It’s time to look at how.

1. Provide Value

This approach works in any situation. According to HubSpot, 69% of buyers believe that by providing primary research data that’s relevant to their business, reps add value.

Your prospects want to work with someone who they can trust; you should strive to be that someone. Sending useful materials to a prospect can spark more interest in your products.

Share short case studies on how competitive companies have successfully solved industry wide issues:

Hi [Name],

I hope all is well. I know I haven’t heard back from you yet but I’d like to provide some assistance. The last time we spoke you showed interest in [product’s feature]. I’m sending you some materials that might help with [a problem that the company is facing at the moment]. Here are the links:

[links or information]

I'd be happy to have a talk this week to learn more about you and your role at [company], as well as some of the projects you have on your radar. You can ask me any and all questions on [their problem] as well.

Are you available next week?

[Your name]

Pique your prospect’s curiosity. When sharing a white paper, case study, article, or interview, intrigue them by mentioning that X company, with which you shared these insights, has benefitted and driven their revenue upwards.

Wrap up your email with a line like “you’ll be impressed by the results that these tips will bring to you”. Ooh, tempting.

No lame business chat like "circling back" or "checking in."

2. Show Interest in Their Business

Everybody wants to feel interesting and appreciated. Pay attention to what a prospect is engaged in, what is new in their company, and what they like.

It’s definitely a point scorer in terms of engagement, especially if you’re getting back in touch after a while. If your prospect has a blog or is active on social media, you can tactfully respond to something they post.

Comment on their status on LinkedIn or Facebook...but try not to sound like a stalker. Here’s how you can do it:

Hi [Name],

I hope you're well! I saw your [LinkedIn post, announcement, etc.] about [product launch, etc.]. Congratulations! What an exciting opportunity, I'm looking forward to watching your business blossom!

We've launched a few new tools and have been getting great feedback from our customers. I think they might be helpful in your approach, and I'd love to tell you more about [service] to help you reach your goals.

When's the best time for you this week?

All the best,
[Your name]

You want people to think of you when they have a problem; coming to you to help them solve it. Mention your service at the end of your email after sweet talking them about their own.

3. Offer an Invitation

If you’re in the same industry as your prospect, invite them to a networking event where you can meet in person. If you’re distant, an invitation to a webinar or another online event also works.

You’re providing value; it’s the same principle as sending an ebook or an article.

Set up a meeting without being intrusive and pushy about it; propose a meeting immediately after a webinar, or during a break at a conference. Be as unimposing as possible.

Take a look at this example from Zoom, one of the world’s leading online conferencing tools. This webinar invitation email uses a nice blend of pleasant images, concise outline, and clear and easy-to-percept information. Finding a balance between copy, imagery, and key information creates a feeling of effortlessness.

The CTA  works nicely and grabs attention. Every marketer can do better than “click here” – you should create an engaging and attractive call-to-action to compel recipients to register.

4. The “Nice To Meet You” Email

It’s important to provide context for a recipient. Mention a conversation you had with your recipient while at a meeting, conference, or networking event. Jog their memory so they remember you.

Ask to keep in touch, set up a face-to-face meeting, or schedule a phone call — propose at least two dates and times that you're available. Express your gratitude and thank your recipient for their time.

Plug this information into a pre-set email template:

  • How you met — Refreshes their memory
  • A takeaway from your conversation — Shows you were listening
  • Your ask — Keeps the ball moving

Subject Line: Great to meet you at [Event]

Hi [lead name],

I hope you enjoyed [event name], it was nice to meet you! Thanks for stopping by our booth and for showing interest in [your company name].

It was nice to discuss [reference conversation/ services that you may have discussed] with you, and I thought it might be helpful to send along some digital resources to answer any further questions [links to relevant resources on your company’s website].

I would love to set up a quick call with you to chat about this further! Do you have any free time within the next week for a 15-minute call?

Thank you,
[Your Name]

5. Make a Request

“Touch base” emails are not only sent  to prospects and customers. Sometimes you want to touch base with a colleague or business partner who you need information from.

Don’t beat around the bush. Get straight to the point.

Take a look at the template below to find out how to use a “touch base” email for both the recipient’s and your benefit. It works by providing a link where they can find other users’ experience; building trust in return, you can ask them to support your business with feedback.

Dear [Recipient’s name],

I hope all is well. It's been a pleasure working with you over the past months. I truly appreciate your interest in our company.

Today, my team needs your help to improve the quality of services provided. If you have a few minutes, we'd love to get your feedback on your experience with our company. You also can read what our customers are saying about how their experience has been.

To read user reviews and leave your own feedback, please go to

Thank you!
[Your name]

6. Crack a Joke

Most messages are straightforward, serious... and boring. You need to stand out from those boring emails by not being boring yourself.

Adding a fun twist to a message outreach distinguishes you from the competition; making it more memorable. It generally gets a response and more often than not a positive one. You can try something like:

Hi [Name],

Just a nudge to see if my last mail:

A) Arrived at a hectic / holiday time and got buried in the inbox.
B) Is languishing in the ‘might be something this, but no time now’ folder.
C) Prompted an increase in blood pressure and rapid hitting of the delete key.

I don’t want to add to your daily stress, but our company's mantra is “don’t die wondering”; so it would be great if you’d drop me a quick email.

Seriously, every time I click “Send,” it pains me. Help stop my suffering and find time on my calendar here.

[Your name]

Add a meme or gif. Even this little bit of levity is enough to stand out in a prospect’s inbox, taking one step closer to a follow-up call.

Roughly 80 percent of prospects say “no”, four times before they say “yes.” Despite this, 92% of salespeople give up after getting four “no’s” from a prospect. Being persistent and following up with people, even after a negative response, works.

You’re armed with a collection of follow-up emails that dramatically increases your prospects’ response rate, netting more sales in the long run. Use these approaches and templates to cover almost any sales situation.

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