George Rowlands

George is a Marketing Journalist for NetHunt CRM. He likes to bring creativity and flare to typically humdrum topics. If he's not cooking up his next article, he's cooking up something in the kitchen.

More from George Rowlands

CRM Essentials
  9 min read

Feature Focus: The 5 Best CRMs for Small Business

Your small business needs a CRM system. There are loads of options out there to choose from. Your job is to choose which one suits your small business best.

  7 min read

The Magnificent 7: The Best CRM Comparison in 2021

Find the comparison of the 7 best CRM systems for your business to choose from in 2021. CRM systems for sales and marketing teams.

Team Management
  7 min read

How to Sales Demo [Tools, Tips & Examples]

A sales demonstration is a daunting prospect for anyone. Luckily, we know all about them. We’ve covered the whole process from what it is to how to do it.

New at NetHunt
  8 min read

7 Secrets about How to Sell to Big Business

As a small fish in a big fish tank, it gets tiresome eating scraps for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. We work hard trying to make a splash and we deserve a real meal.

Sales Party
  8 min read

How to Automate your Sales Process

Let’s automate all the rubbish jobs and give ourselves more time to talk to people and do what we love. Let’s not waste any more time on data entry.

Sales Party
  8 min read

How to Nurture Leads Through Email Sequences

Email lead nurturing (see also: email drip campaigns, marketing email sequences) involves establishing a strong relationship between a brand and its consumers. It occurs at each stage of the sales funnel; email sequences enrich the buying journey for both sides of a transaction.

Sales Party
  7 min read

Staying in the Loop: Automate Sales Team Management with Webhooks

Be alerted when a new a pops up in your CRM, receive status notifications for important accounts, notify your team when the deal is won or lost, or get pinged when a lead responds to your drip campaign.

Marketing Space
  9 min read

Absolutely Everything You Need to Know About Web Form Lead Generation

Here comes absolutely everything you need to know about a bastion of inbound marketing - the web form.

Marketing Space
  8 min read

Absolutely Everything You Need to Know about Guest Posting

All your questions about guest posting and guest blogging, answered.

CRM Essentials
  9 min read

How to Make a Spreadsheet CRM: Level 2

This article explains how to add a lead generation form to your Spreadsheet CRM.

Marketing Space
  6 min read

Trends & Tips: How to Build a Content Strategy for 2021

We’re looking into our crystal ball to see what’s going to be hot for content marketers in 2021.

CRM Essentials
  8 min read

NetHunt CRM Guide for Amazon Sellers

Check out this handy little guide for the ways NetHunt CRM can be used by Amazon sellers.

Marketing Space
  6 min read

Guerrilla Marketing: the Good, the Bad & the Ugly

We’ve put together the upsides and downsides of Guerrilla Marketing, along with a collection of the good, the bad, and the ugly sides of this technique.

  7 min read

How to Organise Contacts in Gmail

You can’t actually manage contacts in Gmail. Learn how.

Marketing Space
  7 min read

Absolutely Everything You Need to Know About Content Marketing

Content makes helps your business be seen and eventually sell more. It’s as simple as that.

Marketing Space
  4 min read

How to Mail Merge in Gmail

Mail merge is a widely-used feature of bulk email systems, that allows users to personalise mass email campaigns simply.

Marketing Space
  8 min read

How to Send Mass Emails in Gmail [Step-by-Step Guide]

This is how to send mass emails in Gmail, using Google Workspace.

  5 min read

What is Google Workspace?

Google introduced Google Workspace to us on October 6th, 2020. It’s a new friend for productive employees from any sector, bringing them together as they’ve been torn apart by social distancing.

Marketing Space
  8 min read

Segment & Conquer: The Whats, Whys, and Hows of Audience Segmentation

Audience segmentation makes your audience database much more manageable, your outreach more personalised, and your product more relatable.

Sales Party
  7 min read

Seven Simple Tools to Make Your Sales Life Simpler

We’ve put together a list of the sales tools you need to move away from the bad little things, and towards the good little things.


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