George Rowlands

George is a Marketing Journalist for NetHunt CRM. He likes to bring creativity and flare to typically humdrum topics. If he's not cooking up his next article, he's cooking up something in the kitchen.

More from George Rowlands

Sales Party
  6 min read

Multiple Sales Pipelines: How Do They Work?

Multiple pipelines get your sales teams even more organised, even more effective, and even more profitable.

Sales Party
  7 min read

Absolutely Everything You Need to Know About Sales Pipelines

Sales pipeline is one of those terms that gets bandied around a lot, and you’re just expected to know what it is. If you don’t, you came to the right place.

  6 min read

How to Track Emails in Gmail

Get notified when recipients read emails, click links, and view attachments. Gain valuable insights from your email campaigns, understand what works and what doesn’t, and get a feeling for which leads are keen. Make hay whilst the sun shines.

  6 min read

The Productivity Club: 10 Unconventional WFH Productivity Tips

Working from home felt like a good idea until you discovered that deli down the road. It was fantast…

Sales Party
  6 min read

The Anatomy of an Amazon Product Description

Even after manufacturing your product; even with Amazon FBA doing all the dirty work, the heavy lift…

Marketing Space
  6 min read

How to Write a Video Script That Engages Your Audience

Before he read a script, Joaquin Phoenix was actually called Joaquin Bottom. A good script can chang…

  4 min read

What Science Says About Music and Productivity [+ Playlist]

Life seems to be without effort when I am filled with music. As working from home becomes more and m…

Marketing Space
  11 min read

Absolutely Everything You Need to Know About Email Marketing [+ Templates]

Full inboxes; unopened emails. Maybe you’ve heard the whispers, but is email marketing really dea…

Marketing Space
  5 min read

Conflict, Context, Continuity: The 3 Core Elements of Successful Storytelling

Once upon a time there was no brand storytelling. Everything was so plastic, fake, and sterile. Noth…

CRM Essentials
  7 min read

Why You Need a CRM for Your Amazon Seller Business

Jeff Bezos has a huge pie; the biggest one in the world. If you want a slice of his pie, it’s actual…

Business Universe
  5 min read

4 Post-Crisis Priorities for Small Business and How to Action Them

This seemingly broken year can still be your breakthrough year. All you need is a sprinkle of inspiration and a reservoir of determination.

Sales Party
  8 min read

Heating up the Hotline: A Guide to Cold-Calling (With Templates)

You might be the slickest, most silver-tongued sales rep in the world, but cold sales calls have alw…

Business Universe
  6 min read

Looking East: What Western Business Can Learn From Chinese COVID-19 Recovery

COVID-19 has turned the business world on its head. China closed down most of its economy in late Ja…

What's New at NetHunt
  3 min read

The 2020 Summer of Love: NetHunt's G2 Badges

Some people think you shouldn’t blow your own trumpet; but what if you’re as fabulous as we are? We’…

Sales Party
  6 min read

10 Creative Ways to Find Leads on LinkedIn

We bang on about LinkedIn. All. The. Time. Why? Because it’s the best place to gather and nurture le…

Sales Party
  6 min read

LinkedIn Basic vs. LinkedIn Business vs. LinkedIn Sales Navigator

Ladies and gentlemen; boys and girls of the B2B business world, it’s the one we’ve all been waiting…

Sales Party
  6 min read

The Six Keys to Perfect Pipeline Management

For your business to be in tip-top shape, your pipeline must be first. A topped up and ticking over…

  6 min read

Do More With Less: 5 Ways to Automate Your Sales

You’re busy; we get it. You’re tired and making silly mistakes; we get that too. What we don’t get i…

Sales Party
  5 min read

What On Earth is B2B Sales?

B2B stands for business-to-business communication. “WTF...” you might scream, “he’s already answered…

CRM Essentials
  19 min read

Absolutely Everything You Need to Know About Gmail CRM

Day-to-day, we get asked a lot of questions in the NetHunt office. It doesn’t matter whether they co…

  7 min read

10 Productivity Producing Chrome Extensions

Chrome extensions. Some are simple; some are complicated. Some are made in big, fancy offices; some…


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