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NetHunt CRM integration with Hunter

NetHunt’s integration eliminates data gaps and saves your time. Forget manual searches for prospect contact information — NetHunt CRM will automatically add your prospects' email addresses to your CRM records.

Plan availability:

Basic Plus
Business Plus
NetHunt CRM integration with Hunter screen 1 NetHunt CRM integration with Hunter screen 2 NetHunt CRM integration with Hunter screen 3 NetHunt CRM integration with Hunter screen 4

Check out how to set up
NetHunt CRM’s integration with Hunter

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Find verified emails within seconds

After you turn on the integration, NetHunt CRM will automatically find reliable email addresses through Hunter's Email Finder and add them to your contact or company records. No need to leave NetHunt CRM to search, copy, or paste email addresses.

Automatically enrich customer records

All NetHunt CRM needs is the individual's full name and company. Provide the info of the people you want to engage with, and NetHunt CRM will enrich your records with their emails.

Waterfall data enrichment

NetHunt is also integrated with Apollo. By setting up waterfall enrichment, if there are no emails found on Hunter, we'll search in Apollo and add the email to the CRM record.


Automatically enrich your CRM records with relevant and reliable contact info.

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Get important deals- or client-related notifications to Slack for timely decisions.

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Personal chats

Communicate with customers in a convenient messenger. Create leads from chats and save all the communication history.

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Looking forward to helping you explore NetHunt CRM!