Meet <span class="blue">NetHunt CRM</span> —<br><span class="nowrapped">a <span class="underlined">better</span></span> alternative <span class="nowrapped">to Zoho</span>

Meet NetHunt CRM
a better alternative to Zoho

To be able to grow your business, you need to focus all your energy on what you do best — do not waste it on complex and confusing CRM solutions.

Start free trial

Grow better, grow happier.

It’s time to upgrade from Zoho when...

It doesn’t work<br> for you

It doesn’t work
for you

Bugs, poor sections link, and confusing interface make it impossible to be productive.

Customer Support fails you

Customer Support fails you

You need your support questions and requests addressed quickly and efficiently.

No buy in from<br> the team

No buy in from
the team

It’s hard to customize your workspace, making it impossible for your team to really adopt the CRM.

Sales team<br>lives in Gmail

Sales team
lives in Gmail

Your team works in Gmail and wants to make the most out of it.

Why NetHunt CRM over Zoho?



G2 score



Price (per user/per month)

$24 - $120

$0 - $100

Number of records

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limitations apply

Must-have CRM essentials

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CRM automation

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Marketing automation

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Native Gmail and Google Workspace integration

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Integration with Looker Studio (former Google Data Studio)

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Automatic email linking

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Full API access

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Free onboarding

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Free team training

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Support (chat, email, phone)

dedicated Customer
Success Manager

email and support

All information was last verified in February 2020.
Found outdated details? Email us at !

cloud baloon big cloud

Grow better.

Grow happier.

Get NetHunt free

   It actually ended up being one of the best decisions I’ve ever made as far as my CRMs. It saved me money, it saved me a lot of time, and allowed me to custom create a lot of workflows for my real estate team and for my other businesses as well. It’s been an absolutely wonderful experience working with NetHunt. Especially their Support Team is second to none.

autor`s photo

Chris Lewis, President at Massive Property Group of All First Realty

Take 3 easy steps
to upgrade from Zoho to NetHunt CRM


Create an account in NetHunt CRM.


Import your CRM data from Zoho to NetHunt CRM.


Schedule a session with your Customer Success Manager to tweak CRM set up and onboard your team!

Still deciding?

Check out our guide: How to Choose the Right CRM for Your Business

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Request a personalized product demo with our product expert

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We'll be in touch soon to schedule a time.
Looking forward to helping you explore NetHunt CRM!