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Chris Lewis

Using NetHunt to build an entrepreneurial empire

As a real estate guru who has helped his clients buy and sell hundreds of millions of dollars worth of real estate, a digital marketing expert who promises to build and scale online businesses from the ground up, and a technician who has built a system to help real estate businesses generate more leads, Chris Lewis is a self-made entrepreneur with his finger in many pies. NetHunt and Chris have a lot in common. Namely, we’re all about growth.

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Baltimore, Maryland

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1 person

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1 person

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Customer since

November, 2018

The challenge

He can do anything. He’s a real estate guru with a deal portfolio worth hundreds of millions of dollars, he’s a digital marketing expert who helps build and scale online businesses from the ground up, and a computer wizz who has built several systems to help real estate businesses generate more leads and grow. Chris is an entrepreneurial superman and a shining beacon for anybody looking to make a name for themselves in the business world. Is he a wizard? Is it just luck? With his fingers in so many pies, we’re all asking the same question… “How on earth does he do it?”

The solution

Chris recognised that he needed a system that was flexible enough to deploy across the different fronts he’s fighting on. He started using NetHunt in 2015 after struggling with complicated systems that were too expensive and too difficult to set up and get started with. The thing is, NetHunt is a Gmail CRM; it lives right inside the inbox he was already conducting his business through. All he needed to do was sign up for his free trial, with no credit card required, and download the free NetHunt extension from the Chrome Store.

These days, Chris is way past that. He’s busy creating custom workflows for his different businesses; taking advantage of multiple pipelines and setting his view to just how he likes it and exactly how he needs it.

However, the pièce de résistance has to be NetHunt’s extended capability through its numerous Zapier integrations. There’s over 2000 of them, and he uses them as a business service for his customers. He hooks them up depending on what his customer needs and uses this service as a product. He’s built a wide-ranging portfolio of systems for his customers, and he’s still discovering more ways to diversify the services he offers.

Before he went, Christ smothered us in compliments… which, by the way, we love. He told us that he’s a huge advocate of NetHunt’s system, and that over the last few years he’s had a wonderful experience and is looking forward to the next two. Chris, we like you.

So how does he do it? Well, he’s obviously very talented; not to mention hard-working… but we like to think NetHunt has given him a helping hand somewhere along the line.

It turned out to be one of the best business decisions I’ve ever made.
Chris Lewis

Chris Lewis

President at Massive Property Group of All First Realty

Chris Lewis’s favourite things about NetHunt

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