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NetHunt CRM integration with Looker Studio former Google Data Studio

Connect your CRM data to build interactive reports and dashboards, and share them with your team or the world.

Plan availability:

Basic Plus
Business Plus
NetHunt CRM integration with Looker Studio <span class="title-small">former Google Data Studio</span> screen 1 NetHunt CRM integration with Looker Studio <span class="title-small">former Google Data Studio</span> screen 2 NetHunt CRM integration with Looker Studio <span class="title-small">former Google Data Studio</span> screen 3

Connect and start building interactive reports and dashboards
with NetHunt CRM data

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Sync your data directly

NetHunt Connector syncs your CRM data directly into Looker Studio. It currently supports basic fields and timeline items (e.g., text, number, date, dropdown, location, etc.) from all the folders that are in your CRM.

Build any kind of report you need

Once you connect the data and it goes through an initial load, you will be able to create beautiful dashboards with all kinds of charts and tables offered by Looker Studio or their third-party partners.

See changes immediately

The connection that you established between Looker Studio and NetHunt CRM will refresh automatically with every change made. This way, you will be able to see all the changes made in NetHunt applied to your Looker Studio reports in real time.

Google Workspace

Connect NetHunt with Google chat, Calendar & other Google Workspace apps to stay in context.

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Google Contacts

Upgrade your Google contacts with CRM functionality and add them to your sales process.

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Access NetHunt CRM directly from your inbox. No need to switch between tabs.

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Looking forward to helping you explore NetHunt CRM!